
WienerAi™ | Official Site

Despite its hilarious sausage-y exterior, WienerAI is the pinnacle of AI trading technology. With girthy, predictive features–WienerAI is a trader’s best friend.

What is WienerAI ($WAI)?

Not just a bot, nor a simple sausage–but an AI-powered crypto trading partner designed to give YOU the advantage you’ve been searching for

  • WienerAI Enhanced Trading An AI interface that’s instant, predictive, and noob-friendly
  • Seamless Sausage Swaps Never miss a golden opportunity again
  • Zero Fees WienerAI does not charge any fees. Good doggie!
  • MEV Protection Slap down your Wiener and never get frontrun by a MEV bot again

How to buy WeinerAi

Connect Your Wallet Connect your MetaMask or other wallet to this website using the widget at the top of the page. From there you can easily buy $WAI tokens using ETH, BNB, MATIC, USDT, or bank card.

Fund Your Purchase Ensure you have either ETH, BNB, MATIC, or USDT in your wallet to swap for $WAI. Deposit crypto into your wallet if you don't. Alternatively, use the Card option

Swap Tokens For $WAI Go to the buy widget and select the amount of tokens you wish to swap for $WAI. Authorize the transactions in your wallet and make you leave enough ETH, BNB, or MATIC for gas fees.

Stake $WAI to Earn $WAI Once you've bought $WAI tokens, you can immediately put them to work. Click on 'Staking' in the menu and stake your tokens early to take advantage of the extremely high APY!

The WienerAI Masterplan

STEP 1. Sausage Army Launch WienerAI Contract Audit Presale LAUNCHED Final Wiener-y Preparations Worldwide Marketing Campaign

STEP 2. Sausage Army Expansion KOL Blast Ethereum Network Takeover

STEP 3. Token Listing: The LONG wait is over. WienerAI launches on Global Exchange Platforms. This is the public $WAI launch. WienerAI Trading Bot Launch: Not just a bot; but an AI-powered crypto trading partner designed to give YOU the advantage you’ve been searching for.

OUTSMART THE MARKET WITH $WAI – WienerAI’s Predictive Technology

WienerAI’s predictive technology, combined with its user-friendly AI interface, allows you to instantly scour the crypto market for those hidden gems. Ask WienerAI to find your next trade and it delivers the market analysis to help you win more often. Then seamlessly swap, MEV-free, through decentralized exchanges.

What is WienerAI?

WienerAI is the world’s most advanced consumer AI trading bot. It is the first Sausage/Dog/Artificial Intelligence ever created and the universe’s most powerful cybernetic being. This weenie is gunning for “top dog” on the charts. WienerAI ($WAI) is currently in the private PRESALE stage when the price is at its lowest. When it goes public, the listing price will be much higher.

What is the WienerAI Presale?

The WienerAI Presale allows buyers to secure WienerAI ($WAI), the native token of the WienerAI AI trading bot, at a drastically lower price than the listing price. There are several stages, each lasting two days. At each stage, the price will increase until the presale is over.

Is WienerAI A Meme Coin?

WienerAI is not only A meme coin–it’s your ticket to better trading, and the native token of the first AI-powered trading bot of its kind. WienerAI is building a legion of fans that he calls his Sausage Army. There’s a new dog in the dog park–and it’s WienerAI

The Technology Behind WienerAI

AI Enhanced Trading: An AI interface that’s instant, predictive, and beginner-friendly. Simply ask the bot a question related to your crypto investment needs, and WienerAI will use its predictive technology to scour the markets in search of a winner.
 Once a winner is found matching your queries, WienerAI delivers unbiased analysis and reasoning.

Seamless Swaps: Never miss a golden opportunity again. Once WienerAI has helped you discover potential large gainers, it allows you to, in just a few clicks, find the best price from a number of Decentralized exchanges.

MEV Protection: Never get frontrun by a MEV bot again. A MEV or Sandwich bot is a type of trading bot that profits from price differences on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). When it does so, it frontruns your trade in order to minimize your gain. WienerAI gets you in front of every frontrunner.


The content provided in this whitepaper for WienerAI ($WAI) is intended strictly for informational and entertainment purposes only. The $WAI token is a meme coin with no inherent financial value, designed primarily to engage and entertain the community within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. It is the responsibility of each individual or entity interested in participating in the WienerAI project to conduct their own due diligence. Furthermore, participants are strongly urged to review and adhere to the legal and regulatory requirements applicable within their jurisdiction or residence before acquiring $WAI tokens or engaging in any related transactions. The creators of WienerAI assume no responsibility for any legal consequences or financial losses that participants may incur. Participation in WienerAI is done at your own risk and discretion.